Photography Skills Series
Congratulations on understanding layers in Photoshop. Now, let us teach you how to move beyond them into the creative realm of blend modes, filters, brushes, selections, and luminosity masks.
Instructor: David Downs
Designed for photographers who are comfortable with Photoshop’s essential elements and want to get even more out of their photos, this class explores the tools that bring depth and atmosphere to their creative intentions. If you are unfamiliar with Photoshop, this class will not help you understand the basics necessary to utilize the tools taught.
Workshop dates
Saturday, March 1, 2025, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
David Downs Photography Studio
730 E Park Blvd., Suite 108, Plano TX 75074
I recommend parking on the NW side of the building, and the studio entrance faces West toward building 720.
Workshop topics
- How blend modes work to enhance
- Increase the power of Layers & Masks
- Using Brushes Like The Master Painters
- The Power of Selections
- Basic Compositing
- Luminosity Masks
- AI Generative Fill
Additional workshop details
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Personal to and from the workshop. No other is needed during class.
Recommended photography gear
A laptop with Windows or Mac OS and a current/up-to-date version of Adobe Photoshop
Charging/Power Cable for your Laptop (Outlets/Power strips will be provided
A memory card with RAW images on it and a card reader (built-in or USB version)
Something to take notes with (paper & pen)
Other recommendations
Consider a trial or free membership to Kelby One and explore some of his Photoshop Tutorial Options. Pisimperfect on YouTube is one of the best instructors out there for Photoshop. You might consider watching some of his videos on the listed topics to feel more comfortable in class.
Location pro tips
Our location is near downtown Plano. Plan on staying after class for exploration and lunch/drinks in one of the great downtown restaurants (Vickery Park is my favorite).
Reserve your spot now!
Important info! We encourage you to create an account when you register so future workshop forms will be prepopulated with your data. Shortly after registering you will receive a confirmation e-mail and a separate email allowing you to pay your registration online. You are not fully registered until your payment is received.
Class size is limited. Reserve now to guarantee a spot.
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